Robert Hurlbut Blog

Thoughts on Software Security, Software Architecture, Software Development, and Agility

WCF and Security solutions

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 Comments

 .NET  ArchitecturePatterns  Security  Service Orientation (SO)  Smart Clients  WCFIndigo  Web Services 
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I mentionedpreviously I worked on some security work with WCF. In March, I worked with Sam's team to put together a first prototype of a WCF secure solution using Active Directory as well as research into WSFederationHttpBinding and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). Sam and crew have extended those initial ideas into a set of great solutions as he describes here , here, and here (Aaron's post). You owe yourself a look to see the great work they have done.

Keith Brown also announced the launch of the Identity and Access Management developer center on MSDNrecently. His recent paper on "The .NET Developer's Guide to Identity" is extremely good and I have already recommended it to a few people at TechEd this year. Keith presented a session on WCF Security yesterday morning which I unfortunately had to miss, but I did get a chance to read the slide deck yesterday afternoon and it looks great -- if you get a chance (i.e. have access), take a look.

There are a lot of great resources starting to show up. I am hoping to add some original items as I come across them, but in the meantime these are a few places to check for information.
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