mentionedpreviously I worked on some security work with WCF. In March, I worked with
team to put together a first prototype of a WCF secure solution using Active Directory as well as research into WSFederationHttpBinding and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). Sam and crew have extended those initial ideas into a set of great solutions as he describes
here ,
here, and
here (Aaron's post). You owe yourself a look to see the great work they have done.
Keith Brown also announced the launch of the
Identity and Access Management developer center on MSDNrecently. His recent paper on "
The .NET Developer's Guide to Identity" is extremely good and I have already recommended it to a few people at TechEd this year. Keith presented a session on WCF Security yesterday morning which I unfortunately had to miss, but I did get a chance to read the slide deck yesterday afternoon and it looks great -- if you get a chance (i.e. have access), take a look.
There are a lot of great resources starting to show up. I am hoping to add some original items as I come across them, but in the meantime these are a few places to check for information.