Robert Hurlbut Blog

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Rotor on FreeBSD/Linux Continued

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Comments

 .NET  CLR  Rotor 
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As with my previous post, I am working on my FreeBSD 4.8 Release tonight. Last week, I had problems getting the CD-Rom to mount correctly (which, of course, doesn't make sense since I used the CDs to install the OS). I was trying to transfer the Rotor code from the CD to my VMWare drive, but kept failing for some reason. Tonight, I used my Win 2000 OS to set up an FTP server and transfered the Rotor code to my VMWare/FreeBSD drive.

Building Rotor was a snap. It took less than an hour to build (I am currently allocating 272 Meg of memory to FreeBSD through VMWare). After the build, I ran the PAL (Platform Adaption Layer) tests -- 100% pass. I am currently running the SSCLI quality tests. So far, it looks like all the tests are coming back with a “pass”.

Update: The SSCLI quality tests completed after 3 hours 23 minutes. Out of 2281 tests, 2250 passed and 31 failed. That's a 98.6% success rate for Rotor on FreeBSD 4.8 Release (when it was released, Rotor was verified for FreeBSD 4.7 Release).

Over the weekend, I also installed RedHat Linux 8.0. I tried to use the port that Andrew mentioned last week (confirmed to work on RedHat Linux 7.2), but was unsuccessful in getting it to build. After I play around with this version on FreeBSD for awhile, I am thinking of looking at the PAL for Linux to see what's involved in porting Rotor to RedHat Linux 8.0 and 9.0.

Of course, I also pulled down Mono and tried a build on RedHat Linux 8.0. I ran into an error regarding a missing compiler. I will try this one again later after I get the compiler. I also have RedHat Linux 9.0 and will try the Mono build on that one as well.

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