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Extreme Programming Pocket Guide

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 Comments

 Books  Extreme Programming 
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There are many resources for Extreme Programming (XP) since its introduction a few years ago. It's difficult, though, to decide where to start to get a quick grasp, especially if you want to get your team up to speed or provide a handy reference.

I received the newest resource in the mail from Amazon today called the Extreme Programming Pocket Guide (an O'Reilly book) by chromatic:

It's a quick read (90 pages). The author presents sections on reasons for XP, the 12 practices of XP, the artifacts (tools) of XP, the roles of XP, and the adopting of XP. This guide will serve as a concise reference, especially for those who have read the other resources. This guide will also help those new to XP to understand the concepts quickly without feeling bogged down by the numerous resources.

I recommend buying several copies of this book for any new or existing team.
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